Phoebe Choong » Staff

Photo of Phoebe Choong

Phoebe Choong

Mortgage Broker
Cell Phone: (562) 761-6959


I was born in Malaysia, a developing country in the Southeast Asia. I came to the United State when I was a teenager to pursue a degree as an Architect.

I received my B.S. Degree in Architecture from The Ohio State University and worked for Perkowitz and Ruth Architectural firm, a well-known Architectural firm based in Long Beach, California.

In 2001, I received my Real Estate License. I have been in the Real Estate business for the past 22 years as a sole proprietor. I was involved in sales, negotiation, financing and property management aspects of the Real Estate transaction with property types like Residential, Apartment, Vacant Land, Mixed Use, Commercial and Business Opportunities.

I feel very privilege of servicing my clients and community for the past 22 years. I have helped many individuals acquire Real Estate and achieving their goals of becoming a first time homeowner, business owner, assisted many investors achieve their long term investment goal and financial freedom. I have assisted them in making the right decision.

I look forward to serving and helping you, my clients, as many more opportunities arise with the rapidly changing Real Estate market. I deeply appreciate your time and thank you again for the trust and support you have given us in the consideration of our services. We promise we are here to help you achieve your goal in Real Estate, and we will deliver beyond what you expect of us.